Learn Our Policies & Pamper Yourself at Our Spa Serving Fairport, Pittsford, Rochester, & Fairport, NY
Every client is required to have a credit card or debit card on file prior to booking any appointment here at Pittsford Laser & Aesthetics.
Cancellation & No Show Policy
Your appointment times are reserved just for you! Pittsford Laser & Aesthetics requires 24 hour prior notice for cancellations or rescheduling. There is a $50.00 fee for a no show or cancellation fee for less than 24 hours notice. Your card will be charged. You can cancel or reschedule your appointment online, calling the office at 585-417-5189 leaving a message, or by emailing monica@laserskinofroc.com. We do understand that there are emergencies/sickness that occur and we ask you please notify us directly if less than 24 hours at 585-417-5189 or emailing monica@laserskinofroc.com to avoid fees.
We do ask if you are sick or have any symptoms of COVID-19 that you DO NOT COME IN and you reschedule your appointment to ensure the safety of our clients and staff.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!